Star Wars: The Last Jedi Review - Luke Skywalker And The Pokemon Factory.

I never really liked the moronic hysteria around popular franchises like Star Wars. In fact, i am part of a large silent minority, who does not think the first films are perfect, feel that the prequels have their charm or the last iteration of this saga is the worst or the best of everything that exists in the galaxy. Simply, everyone has an idea of ​​what these movies should be, and it is impossible to meet everyone's expectations. My personal technique is to judge the film for what it is; whether it was nice or not, if it did not belong to a popular franchise. And in the case of The Last Jedi, the answer is yes. Most negative: Incidentally, this movie would probably be my favorite, if there was not this huge showcase of pokémon creatures (toys) constantly shoved through our eyes. They appear in exaggeration, contrasting with certain scenes and story arcs. This billionaire business model for selling toys has always been part of Star Wars. But making this movie an immense and long display for toys undoubtedly interfered in the final quality. Most Positive: The story of this film is excellent. Mark Hamill is intense, representing a disillusioned and haunted Luke Skywalker. Whose youthful aspirations were overcome by the tragedies of life. This is the core of the narrative of this movie, whose shock waves are felt throughout. Not just a mere action movie, and uninspired carbon copy of past iterations. This movie is filled with a credible character development and a rare balance between the drama and the comic flow of a space fantasy adventure. As a popcorn flick, this movie deals with concepts that may be too sophisticated and insufficiently obvious to the fan base. I have little doubt that this will be the most controversial movie in the current saga and probably the whole franchise. This is a movie that will not be for everyone. It certainly has ups and downs, but personally I discovered that its positive aspects outweigh the negatives. Last Jedi is not a perfect movie. But visually it is spectacular and full of strong emotions. I strongly recommend this movie.



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